Assisting Pastors

Imagine how this could expand the outreach of your church. It would be like adding a counselor to your staff without adding to your church budget.

What reasons are there for referring parishioners for counseling? For you they may include:

  • Counseling is not your gifting.
  • You care but don’t have the time.
  • They look to you as their Pastor not their counselor.
  • The Church can’t afford that kind of staff person.

For all the reasons listed you can get assistance with one of the services included in most church ministries. The first 3 sessions are FREE. With the requirement of worship attendance. This is an outreach that draws people to your church for healing. Could “Jesus’ Healing Truth Counseling” (JHTC) join your team?

Simply put, the proposed partnership is…

  1. Counseling is held at the church building.
  2. Three free sessions are for those attending.
  3. Those not attending worship are asked to contribute for the first 3 sessions.
  4. After the first 3 sessions pay the counselor on a sliding scale.
  5. With 10% going to the church.
  6. The church adds a rider to its insurance policy covering the church & counselor for malpractice. (On average, it costs the church an extra $13-$50/year)